What do we do?
Training and Career–oriented Activities for Trainees
Renewable Energy Systems Trainings (Free of Charge)
In the field of renewable energy, there are National Occupational Standards for wind, photovoltaic and biogas energy systems, consisting of three levels (level 3, level 4 and level 5). Within the scope of the Project, a new curriculum will be developed in line with the 5th level standards, and renewable energy systems trainings for wind, photovoltaic and biogas energies will be given in Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
Career-oriented Trainings
The trainees will continue their trainings with career-oriented trainings (such as motivation, time management, communication, entrepreneurship, administration and organization). The duration of the trainings will be one month, and the trainees will receive these trainings at Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Continuing Education Centers.
EKAT (High Voltage Electric Power Plants) Trainings
Permit to Work Under High Voltage Electric Power Plants (EKAT) is specified among other regulations related to the profession under National Professional Standards Level 5 which is created for wind, photovoltaic and biogas energies’ systems. In line with this, technical personnel to work under high voltage in plants with high electrical currents will also be trained within the scope of RE You Project. The purpose of these trainings is to equip the personnel with key skills for working in this sector, to give those personnel who were successful in trainings the Permit to Work Under High Voltage in Electric Power Plants, to ensure the health and safety of the personnel, to prevent work accidents and minimize the risks of it.
A database will be created to offer job and internship opportunities for trainees within the scope of the project. Internship activities will be carried out in line with this database and trainees’ expectations. New graduates will get to do 2 months-long internships. Trainees will get the opportunity to gain experience thanks to the internship programme and companies will be supported by means of qualified interns with regards to this.
Counseling on Job Search Support
In RE-You Technical Assistance Project Office in Balıkesir and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Continuing Education Centers, trainees will be provided with support on vocational guidance and counseling, preparing a CV, creating individual career plans and job search tools.
Career Days Organisations
Career days will be organized to bring employers and trainees together. During the process, the labor demand of the companies, internship opportunities and the expectations of the trainees will be considered. The planned 2 career days will be held with a total of 400 participants from the project and the industry.
RE-You Project will build bridges between students and private companies. In cooperation with İŞKUR and KOSGEB, consultancy will be provided to target groups on issues such as public employment services opportunities, labor legislation, occupational health and safety, basic social rights, entrepreneurship, employment opportunities in the active labor market.
Providing Basic Safety Trainings of Global Wind Organisation in the Field of Wind Energy in Continuing Education Centers
The Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit organization based in Copenhagen Denmark, founded by leading global wind turbine manufacturers. The aim of GWO is to create a healthy working environment in the wind turbine industry by setting common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures.

Institutional Capacity Building
Curriculum Development for Renewable Energy Systems and Career-Oriented Trainings
The curriculum and textbooks of renewable energy (wind, photovoltaic and biogas) systems trainings will be developed in line with the National Occupational Standards and National Qualifications (level 5 standards for wind, photovoltaic and biogas energy system).
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Continuing Education Centers and Career Centers
Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Continuing Education Centers and Career and Counseling Units will be strengthened within the scope of the project. During the process, which will take place under the supervision of Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, the institutional capacities of these centers will be developed by providing technical consultancy to the personnel of the Continuing Education Centers and Career and Counseling Units.
Being an Authorized Certification Body of Continuing Education Centers
Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Continuing Education Centers will apply to the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) and Vocational Qualifications Agency (MYK) to become an authorized certification body in the fields of wind, biogas and photovoltaic energy systems. In line with the National Occupational Standards established in the field of renewable energy, Continuing Education Centers will carry out the testing and certification process in the region after they become authorized certification bodies.
Development of E-Learning System for Renewable Energy Systems and Career-Oriented Trainings
Renewable energy systems trainings and career-oriented courses will also be adapted to the e-learning program. The harmonization process of training and courses will be carried out at the Distance Education Centers of both universities. Thanks to the e-learning system, the impact of the trainings will increase, and the accessibility of the trainings will be facilitated.
Global Wind Organization (GWO) Accreditation of Continuing Education Centers
Continuing Education Centers will be certified Global Wind Organization (GWO) training providers. All procedures and audit processes for both Continuing Education Centers to become GWO training providers will be carried out by a GWO accredited certification body.
Study Visits to EU Member States
3 study visits will be organised to EU countries to see good practices in place and to share experience. Education and research centers and institutions operating in the renewable energy sector will be the focus of all study visits.
Training of Related Institution Employees
Renewable energy technologies (wind, photovoltaic and biogas) trainings will be given to relevant academicians and trainers of vocational schools in the region. Participants will be informed about new regulations and technologies in renewable energy. Each training will last 3 days and will be held four times, two in Balıkesir and two in Çanakkale.
Training of Trainers
To ensure the sustainability of the trainings given at the Continuing Education Centers of the two universities, trainers will be trained in the fields of wind, photovoltaic and biogas based on the curriculum developed. A total of 24 trainers will participate in the 5-day trainings.