Bring Project to Life
Ministry of Labour and Social Security Department of European Union and Financial Aid in cooperation with related institutions and associations has prepared the Development of Human Resources Operational Programme (İKG OP) in the IPA I period, which comprises the years 2007-2013 and is applied until the end of 2017, in order to successfully carry out policies and applications related to human resources.
On the other hand, in IPA II period that comprises the years 2014-2020, the programme titled Employment, Education and Social Policies Sectoral Operational Programme (IESP SOP) has been prepared in line with the sectoral approach in the current period in order to ensure continuation with the previous Financial Aid Before Participation period.
The Renewable Youth Energy Operation that was prepared and of which the application was made by South Marmara Development Agency and was selected to be supported within the Human Resources Development Sectoral Operational Programme that is carried out by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security within the scope of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) under the program’s education priority has been implemented.
The Southern Marmara Development Agency (GMKA), which will realize the RE-You Project, is one of the development agencies established on 25.07.2009 with the decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2009/15236. It operates in the TR22 NUTS-2 Region (Balıkesir and Çanakkale) according to the classification of Türkiye Statistical Regional Units. It is a public corporation with legal personality.
Mission: To reveal the potential of the region and to organize and support the development initiatives of the stakeholders through the effective and efficient use of national and international resources by using qualified manpower for the sustainable development and competitiveness of the Southern Marmara Region.
Vision: To be the information, thought, coordination and support point of South Marmara which has ensured its sustainable development.
Balıkesir University, one of the universities where the capacity building and training activities of the project will be carried out, was established in accordance with the law no. 3837 published in the Official Gazette dated 11 July 1992 and numbered 21281. It gained legal personality on January 1, 1993. It serves with 12 faculties, 4 institutes, 3 colleges, 13 vocational schools and 17 research and application centers.
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, which is one of the universities where the capacity building and training activities of the project will be carried out, was established on July 3, 1992 in accordance with the law no 3837. As of 2020, ÇOMÜ continues its education and research activities with institutes, 18 faculties, 4 colleges, 13 vocational schools, 43 research and application centers, 112117 graduates, 48786 students, 1922 academic staff, 749 administrative staff.